2008: He went as Charlie Brown as a ghost (note in the pictures, the several attempts to cut eyeholes)
2007: He went not just as Spiderman, not just a zombie, but a zombie Spiderman, which is 10 times cooler than either one alone.
2006: He went as Spaceman Spiff, from the Calvin and Hobbes comic. His costume was totally homemade, and was spot-on.
2005: Zombie Pirate, ala "Pirates of the Carribean."
2004: Headless Horseman.
2003: A realistic skeleton.
2002: Darth Maul. Instead of a mask, we painted his face to look like Darth Maul, and he looked way better than the store bought DM's.
2001: Harry Potter, with glasses and all. We put together several items from different costumes to put together one cool Harry Potter outfit.
Now, before 2001, the order gets a little sketchy, but he went as a ghoul, as Jack Skellington, a vampire, maybe? as a bear, and a few others.
Here are the pictures from this Halloween:

The Beginning...

The pirate, the ghost, and the goth vampire

The decorations scaring the kids

The pumpkins drawn and carved by the kids

First Stop

The "Charlie Brown" ghost


Maggie was only mildly interested

Katie, the goth vampire

I gave Lara the bird

Fun Neighborhood

We're a happy family!

Almost Done

Like Barter For Chocolate
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