Saturday, December 20, 2008

Winter Formal Dance...

Carl went to his first formal dance. He looked pretty good, and acted like a complete dork. I think this will work for him as he gets older. When asked if there was a girl he would like to dance with, he responded with an embarrassed, "Come on, Dad!"

He enjoyed himself at the dance, got the DJ to play some music he brought (The Gorillaz) and generally bemoaned the fact that most of the night they played Britney Spears crap and a bunch of lame rap music. When I asked if he danced with anyone, he said that he wasn't interested in dancing to that kind of music, which I thought was a nice dodge. All it's going to take is one time, him getting out there and being himself, and Lara and I will have some trouble. Of course, it wouldn't hurt his chances if he grew just a few more inches taller. He is by far the shortest kid in his class.

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